Thursday, January 5, 2012

Moving On...To FLASH!

Hey, so now my class is officially finished with learning about Adobe Photoshop for the marking period and now we're being taught how to use Adobe Flash. It's pretty cool, but extremely frustrating at times. The finished products, though, look awesome, so I guess it's worth the aggravation, most of the time at least. There's one student, Jordy, who's like a prodigy at this stuff so I'm kind of jealous about that but whatever. I'm learning at my own pace, whiich is average if not slow. So far, I've made lots of stuff such as a sort of slideshow-like thing, a water advertisement, a pair of blinking eyes, and now a sailboat scene. It's starting to get a bit easier for me to use, so hopefully that's good. Yesterday, when I was working on the eyes, though, was nearly torturous. But it's okay now. So, I guess that's it. Thanks for reading!

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