Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Learning About Media and Devices

Hey, so alright, today we continued on to learn more about the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) and the devices it uses. There are repeaters, hubs, Network Interface Cards (NIC), bridges, switches, routers, and software. Whew, that's a lot, right? Not only that, but we also were introduced to some new information about media and how far it can travel through air, fiber, and copper. By the way, I think I'm finally starting to understand what fiber is, sort of. Then we were getting to know a bit about how switches work and that the more collision domains there are, the less collisions there will be. It sounds weird at first, I know, but it actually makes sense! Although this stuff seems extremely intimidating to me and almost everyone else, I'm actually fascinated, and surprisingly I'm kind of looking forward to learning more. So that's all for today, I think. Thanks for reading!

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