Friday, January 20, 2012


Hey, so I've recently made a new website! It's called "You Haven't Lived If You've Never..." and it talks about the extremely awesome stuff in the world that people HAVE to experience. Those who haven't done so have not truly lived. So check it out, it's really cool!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Learning About Media and Devices

Hey, so alright, today we continued on to learn more about the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) and the devices it uses. There are repeaters, hubs, Network Interface Cards (NIC), bridges, switches, routers, and software. Whew, that's a lot, right? Not only that, but we also were introduced to some new information about media and how far it can travel through air, fiber, and copper. By the way, I think I'm finally starting to understand what fiber is, sort of. Then we were getting to know a bit about how switches work and that the more collision domains there are, the less collisions there will be. It sounds weird at first, I know, but it actually makes sense! Although this stuff seems extremely intimidating to me and almost everyone else, I'm actually fascinated, and surprisingly I'm kind of looking forward to learning more. So that's all for today, I think. Thanks for reading!

If You Haven't Seen the Vid Yet...

Behold my major awesomeness! Hopes this makes things easier on you guys instead of copying the link and pasting it and everything. Enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2012


 To reminisce fun times with Flash in which I didn't feel like a total failure:

CHECK IT OUT, LIKE IT, LEAVE COMMENTS! SHOW TO THE WORLD HOW PROUD YOU ARE OF ME! (or how not proud, which ever works as long as I know someone cares)

Networking. Fun! (Not Really)

Hey. Okay, so today we've just started our lesson about networking. FOUR PAGES OF NOTES! That's a lot for me, since I have a small, scribbly scrawl. There's SO MUCH information, I can't believe it! Well, actually I can; it is the internet after all, but still! I can't possibly remember all this stuff, such as the layers of OSI Reference Model and encapsulation and everything else. It's just really overwhelming right now. Maybe, one day, I'll understand all this computer craziness, but for now, I am absolutely lost. So that's it, I guess. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Moving On...To FLASH!

Hey, so now my class is officially finished with learning about Adobe Photoshop for the marking period and now we're being taught how to use Adobe Flash. It's pretty cool, but extremely frustrating at times. The finished products, though, look awesome, so I guess it's worth the aggravation, most of the time at least. There's one student, Jordy, who's like a prodigy at this stuff so I'm kind of jealous about that but whatever. I'm learning at my own pace, whiich is average if not slow. So far, I've made lots of stuff such as a sort of slideshow-like thing, a water advertisement, a pair of blinking eyes, and now a sailboat scene. It's starting to get a bit easier for me to use, so hopefully that's good. Yesterday, when I was working on the eyes, though, was nearly torturous. But it's okay now. So, I guess that's it. Thanks for reading!