Friday, December 16, 2011

Photoshop Terms

Hey, did you know there are about a trillion computer terms just for Adobe Photoshop? They aren't always easy to understand either, especially if your teacher isn't around to explain each one. So while our teacher was out today, we werwe left to complete a relatively short but pretty challenging worksheet matching terms with their definitions. What made it harder was that quite a few definitions sounded kind of similar so they confused a few of us (a.k.a. me). Hopefully, we'll go over them in class or something to see just how much I failed but also to help me learn more about computers and what not. Okay, that's all. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm getting MASTERFUL at Photoshop (I think?)

Hi, so I've just finished yet another assignment that utilizes (ooh, big word!) Adobe Photoshop. I can now make wrinkles disappear, at least decently. Whether I'm good at it or not, I shall find out soon once I receive a grade. So in the meantime, let's just say that I am to boost up my confidence. If anyone would like to reverse their age by a couple of years, I'm at your service and would charge a relatively reasonable fee! I'd just use the Patch, Healing Brush, Spot Healing Brush, History Brush, and a ton of other tools to create a masterpiece. So...I guess that's it. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hey, so it seems like my class has been working in Photoshop FOREVER now! I think by now we're pretty skilled at using it by now, at least when it comes to the basics. I can now make objects practically invisible, use shading ON THE COMPUTER rather than with my crafty hands (no sarcasm there), remove red-eye from pictures, and do lots more in just a relatively little amouont of time. I feel so accomplished! How I feel towards Adobe Photoshop after so many weeks working with it is a mixture of sickness and irritation but also an admiration and astonishment for it. I knew that there were about a billion things you could do with it, but I never realized how easy this program is to use and all the amazing things you can do in just seconds. I know this sounds like a stupid advertisement for Photoshop, but it's true. So there you have it. Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 2, 2011

More Photoshop

Hey, I've just finished yet another assignment on Adobe Photoshop. I feel so accomplished that I completed it in just maybe 15 or 20 minutes. That's the fastest I've finished any of these projects! Hopefully it's because I'm starting to really master Photoshop and not because I completely missed doing a step. Ha ha ha! Well, that's all I have to say for now. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Adobe Photoshop

This week in CommTech, we learned how to use Photoshop. I now know how to manipulate pictures to make them look really cool. We were also given an assignment to create a poster that opposes harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) using a movie poster. It was actually kind of fun. Okay, that's all I've got to say. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Senior Switch Day

Hey, I just had CommTech class on Senior Switch Day where the seniors do the teachers' jobs for the day. We did a kind of quest on the internet to answer some questions. It was interesting. If we didn't have the internet, we'd be probably nowhere in the world in terms of technological advancements. I'm so grateful to have the web because it's really ridiculously convenient and useful. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Communications Tech

I've just recently started my Communications Technology class and I've already learned a lot. We're being taught how to use Microsoft Word, perform a successful presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, and lots more. This class has us create a GMail, Facebook, and Blogger account. We've also worked on making resumes and slide shows. I bet we'll be learning lots more throughout these next few months. Thanks for reading!