Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Senior Switch Day

Hey, I just had CommTech class on Senior Switch Day where the seniors do the teachers' jobs for the day. We did a kind of quest on the internet to answer some questions. It was interesting. If we didn't have the internet, we'd be probably nowhere in the world in terms of technological advancements. I'm so grateful to have the web because it's really ridiculously convenient and useful. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Communications Tech

I've just recently started my Communications Technology class and I've already learned a lot. We're being taught how to use Microsoft Word, perform a successful presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, and lots more. This class has us create a GMail, Facebook, and Blogger account. We've also worked on making resumes and slide shows. I bet we'll be learning lots more throughout these next few months. Thanks for reading!